The show is called "Truth Values: One Girl's Romp Through M.I.T's Male Math Maze". Given the increasing scrutiny on gender bias in science, I thought that shedding light on this issue through theatre was a fantastic and novel idea. A synopsis:
Created as a response to former Harvard President Lawrence Summers' now infamous suggestion that women are less represented than men in the sciences because of innate gender differences, Truth Values: One Girl's Romp Through M.I.T.'s Male Math Maze is a true-life tale that offers a humorous, scathing, insightful and ultimately uplifting look at the challenges of being a professional woman in a male-dominated field. Performed barefoot on a bare stage with only a chair and small table, writer/performer and "recovering mathematician" Gioia De Cari brings to life more than 30 characters in a hilarious and deeply touching performance that has earned raves from critics and stirred audiences to standing ovations.You can find out more (performance schedules and photos) on the show website, Facebook page, or Twitter account.
When I talked to Gioia she indicated that she'd bring the show to wherever there is interest. I would LOVE to bring this to UC Davis...anyone want to start a petition with me?
Yes! I'll join your petition!